Great batch of New Year cartoons at Flopping Aces.
Conservative Christian Zionist Capitalist American
You can actually buy these Saguaro Cactus shaped Christmas trees!
“Global Warming” is, and always was, a policy for genocidal reduction of the world’s population. The preposterous claim that human-produced carbon dioxide will broil the Earth, melt the ice caps, and destroy human life, came out of a 1975 conference in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, organized by the influential anthropologist Margaret Mead, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), in 1974.
Mead—whose 1928 book on the sex life of South Pacific Islanders was later found to be a fraud (WHAT?? I read that book when i was a kid! - kirls) —recruited like-minded anti-population hoaxsters to the cause: Sow enough fear of mancaused climate change to force global cutbacks in industrial activity and halt Third World development. Mead’s leading recruits at the 1975 conference were climate scare artist Stephen Schneider, population-freak biologist George Woodwell, and the current AAAS president John Holdren—all three of them disciples of Malthusian fanatic Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb. Guided by luminaries like these, conference discussion focussed on the absurd choice of either feeding people or “saving the environment.”
Mead began organizing for her conference, “The Atmosphere: Endangered and Endangering,” shortly after she had attended the United Nations Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania, in August 1974. She had already bullied American scientists with her Malthusian view that people were imperiling the environment. She wrote in a 1974 Science magazine editorial that the Population Conference had settled this question:At Bucharest it was affirmed that continuing, unrestricted worldwide population growth can negate any socioeconomic gains and fatally imperil the environment.... The earlier extreme views that social and economic justice alone can somehow offset population increase and that the mere provision of contraception can sufficiently reduce population—were defeated.
The North Carolina conference, which took place Oct. 26-29, 1975, was cosponsored by two agencies of the U.S. National Institutes of Health: the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (Mead had been a Scholar in Residence at the Fogarty Center in 1973.)
It was at this government sponsored conference, 32 years ago, that virtually every scare scenario in today’s climate hoax took root. Scientists were charged with coming
up with the “science” to back up the scares, so that definitive action could be taken by policy-makers.
Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference from CFACT on Vimeo.
A couple of my favorite slides:The computer model spits out a hockey stick no matter what you feed into it, including random noise!
All told, Connolley (RealClimate.org co-founder William Connolley - yeah, no bias there - Kirls) created or rewrote 5,428 unique Wikipedia articles. His control over Wikipedia was greater still, however, through the role he obtained at Wikipedia as a website administrator, which allowed him to act with virtual impunity. When Connolley didn’t like the subject of a certain article, he removed it — more than 500 articles of various descriptions disappeared at his hand. When he disapproved of the arguments that others were making, he often had them barred — over 2,000 Wikipedia contributors who ran afoul of him found themselves blocked from making further contributions. Acolytes whose writing conformed to Connolley’s global warming views, in contrast, were rewarded with Wikipedia’s blessings. In these ways, Connolley turned Wikipedia into the missionary wing of the global warming movement.
The Medieval Warm Period disappeared, as did criticism of the global warming orthodoxy. With the release of the Climategate Emails, the disappearing trick has been exposed. The glorious Medieval Warm Period will remain in the history books, perhaps with an asterisk to describe how a band of zealots once tried to make it disappear.
Hey, it's just like Peer Review by scientists.
Posted: May 03, 2008, 2:53 AM by Lawrence Solomon
Connolley is not only a big shot on Wikipedia, he’s a big shot at Wikipedia — an Administrator with unusual editorial clout. Using that clout, this 40-something scientist of minor relevance gets to tear down scientists of great accomplishment.
He's like the Charles Johnson of Wikipedia! LOL
And it doesn't matter that he's been canned as a Wiki admin. The damage is done. As long as his contributions remain there, it's a worse than useless source of information; it's a corrupt propaganda tool.
books on Svendsmarks theories and discoveries The Manic Sun, The Chilling StarsThe best measurements of global air temperatures come from American weather satellites, and they show wobbles but no overall change since 1999.
After long delays in scraping together the funds for an experiment, Svensmark and his small team at the Danish National Space Center hit the jackpot in the summer of 2005.
In a box of air in the basement, they were able to show that electrons set free by cosmic rays coming through the ceiling stitched together droplets of sulphuric acid and water. These are the building blocks for cloud condensation. But journal after journal declined to publish their report; the discovery finally appeared in the Proceedings of the Royal Society late last year.
A regular algore that Rajendra K. Pachauri. Or, just another commie/marxist. You know they type... totally Capitalistic when it comes to their own millions but totally statist when it comes to your meager dollars:ADB Advisory Group on Climate Change – chaired by millionaire businessman Rajendra K. Pachauri, part-time chairman of the IPCC.
Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri is a Strategic Advisor at Pegasus Capital Advisors, L.P. He has been a Director-General of The Energy Research Institute (TERI) since April 2001. Dr. Pachauri has been Head of Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi (now known as The Energy and Resources Institute) since April 2001.He has been the President of the Asian Energy Institute since 1992. Dr. Pachauri has been the President of the International Association for Energy Economics … since 1988. He has been Chairman and Member of the Advisory Group at Asian Development Bank since May 2009. Dr. Pachauri has been an Independent Director of Oil and Natural Gas Corp. Ltd., since June 26, 2006. He serves as Vice-Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Dr. Pachauri serves as Director of GloriOil Limited. He serves as Director of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan. Dr. Pachauri serves as a Member of External Advisory Board of Chicago Climate Exchange, Inc. He serves as Member of the Advisory Board on Energy. Dr. Pachauri serves as a Member of the International Advisory Board of Toyota Motors. He serves as a Member of Climate Change Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank AG. Dr. Pachauri served as Chairman of the International Association for Energy Economics from 1989 to 1990. He served as an Independent Director of NTPC Ltd. (National Thermal Power Corp.), from January 30, 2006 to January 2009. Dr. Pachauri served as a Director of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited until August 28, 2003. He served as non-official Part-time Director of NTPC Ltd., from August 2002 to August 2005. Dr. Pachauri served as a Director of Gail India Ltd. from August 18, 2003 to October 26, 2004. He served as Director of Tata Energy Research Institute., since 1981. Dr. Pachauri serves as Member of National Environmental Council, Government of India under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister of India. He serves as a Member of the International Solar Energy Society, World Resources Institute, World Energy Council. Dr. Pachauri has been Member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India since July 2001. He serves as Member of the Oil Industry Restructuring Group, for the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India. Dr. Pachauri serves as a Member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India. He served as an Advisor to the Government of India. Dr. Pachauri also served as Director of Consulting and Applied Research Division at the Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad. He served as Visiting Professor, Resource Economics at the College of Mineral and Energy Resources, West Virginia University. Dr. Pachauri served as a Member of the faculty of several prominent academic and research institutions and has published 22 books and several papers and articles. He received the Padma Bhushan award. Dr. Pachauri was a Senior Visiting Fellow of Resource Systems Institute, East — West Center, USA. He was a Visiting Research Fellow at The World Bank, Washington, DC and McCluskey Fellow at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University. Dr. Pachauri received a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Economics from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A. and a Masters of Science in Industrial Engineering in 1972.
The recent 'ClimateGate' revelations coming out of the UK University of East Anglia are but the tip of a giant iceberg of a well organized international climate warming conspiracy that has been gathering momentum for the last 25 years. This conspiracy would become much more manifest if all the e-mails of the publically funded climate research groups of the US and of foreign governments were ever made public.
if you don't see the picture blinking please go to WattsUpWithThat.
I have no idea what they're doing but abruptly changing data with little or no explanation is not acceptable. In fact, Anthony Watts is right when he says "The timing could not be worse for public confidence in climate data" as I do indeed have even more doubt about anyone involved in pushing AGW.
Do you see what they've done? They've adjusted the data. Sounds innocuous and as Anthony Watts points out, sometimes adjustments are necessary, valid, and reasonable. But, in this case, the black line represents the adjustment to the raw data, the blue line. The resulting alarmist curve is the red. That is what the warm-mongers used to scare everyone. And this is just one set of data. Chosen by Anthony Watts randomly. Just what sort of adjustments have these socalled scientists added to the rest of the world wide temperatures??
Read the rest. It's worse even than the picture indicates.
Correction: The analysis was done by Willis Eschenbach.
Lancashire blacksmith's son and leader of the Communist Party of Great Britain stood in front of the group of high-flying young Left-wingers at Cambridge University.
Harry Pollitt told them: 'Don't join us. Work hard, get good degrees, join the Establishment and serve our cause from within.'
It was a few years after World War II and they took Pollitt at his word. Within a decade, the Communist Party foundered (its membership peaked at 60,000 in 1945) as Pollitt's bright young devotees infiltrated the Establishment.
They were soon exercising considerable influence in universities, the state education system, publishing houses, the legal hierarchy and the civil service.
But it was in politics that these high-flying members of the Left established their greatest power-base, both in the Labour Party and the trades' union movement.Just how deep the tentacles of communism reached into the heart of British government has now been revealed with the emergence of an extraordinary diary by Anatoly Chernyaev, the Soviet Union's contact man with the West at the icy height of the Cold War.
Meticulously detailed and written by hand on lined notepaper, the diary has come to light in the U.S. National Security Archive.
It tells the story of a 'special relationship' not between Britain and America - but between the British Labour Party and Soviet communists.
It was a relationship that lasted more than 30 years, right up to Margaret Thatcher's arrival as Prime Minister in 1979 and beyond.
Indeed, one of the most shocking of the diary's many revelations is how Labour leaders Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock colluded with the Soviet communists to try to beat their 'common enemy', Margaret Thatcher.
But more worrying, perhaps, is the fact that the document shows in stark detail how the political ideology of so many of those who govern us today was shaped by the unspeakable communist creed of the Soviet Union.
First and foremost -- contrary to what you’ve likely read elsewhere in the logosphere or heard from the few policymakers and pundits actually addressing the issue, it was not the temperature decline the planet has been experiencing since 1998 that Jones and friends conspired to hide. Certainly, the simple fact that the email was sent in November of 1999 should have allayed any such confusion.
In fact, the decline Jones so urgently sought to hide was not one of measured temperatures at all, but rather figures infinitely more important to climate alarmists – those determined by proxy reconstructions. As this scandal has attracted new readers to the subject, I ask climate savvy readers to indulge me while I briefly explain climate proxies, as they are an essential ingredient of this contemptible conspiracy.
I fervently hope that Copenhagen will avoid canonising the absurd notion that climate is determined by any single parameter like CO2. The dubious attempts to link this parameter to every form of catastrophe is producing unwarranted fear. Imposing this notion as a matter of international law will set science back several centuries. The accompanying policies seem designed to do the same for society as a whole. The carbon control movement, like every malicious movement, seeks to cloak itself in an aura of virtue. Sentient citizens should be able to see through this patent ploy.Richard Lindzen is Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Most people know the adage, "Where there's muck, there's money", either because they read it in one of Professor Ihimaera's novels or because they saw it later, daubed on the walls of a 19th century colliery.
In any setting, it's a shrewd observation and credit belongs to its author(s). But whilst it's true that "Where there's muck, there's money", the merest pause will confirm the opposite also applies; "Where there's money, there's muck".
We've seen two examples of monetary muckiness recently. In one case, already touched upon, an author embellished his text with words that weren't his own - a hanging offence for students writing a thesis but not, apparently, so grim for those who teach them.
The other concerns a gaggle of Newton's heirs, scientific geezers beavering away, recording data, analysing statistics and reporting only what is provable and true.
Except these crooks haven't. They've cooked the books. They've lied.
They've falsified the facts to induce needless panic and alarum in the bosoms of the groundlings. Along the way, they've blackened the reputations of others who challenged their conclusions, whilst earning for themselves great renown and large amounts of dosh.
There's supposed to be an absolute rule in science: if the facts don't fit the theory, the theory must be wrong. But these beneficiaries of massive research grants have adopted a more creative approach. In their world, the First Law of Prestige and Avarice applies; when the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
There's nothing new about scientific frauds. The Piltdown Man was a con. For years, English education policy was influenced by the results of a study of identical twins, adopted and reared in different homes. Until someone discovered the study's author had made almost all of it up. (Give that man a job at Auckland University!)
More recently, there's been fudging of facts about cold fusion, another lucrative area of research. So this new lot of lab rats aren't mutant freaks. Science has always had its cheats. It's never been an exception to the rule, "Where there's money, there's muck".
But these egregious boffins have done more than remind us that the purest of research is prone to the corruptions of ambition and income. What they've done is wilfully attempt to influence public opinion - and political outcomes - around the
world.For these data-bodgers weren't investigating the mating habits of the Lesser Crested Gobsnot. No, they were climate scientists. Or, more precisely, pseudo-scientists, twisting the truth to produce results which they and their employers desired.
What's been revealed, although without enthusiasm by our credulous media, is that an influential cabal of researchers in England and America colluded to mislead us yobbos, perhaps so we'd more readily accept draconian measures like flatulent ETSs and the flying of kaumatua to Copenhagen.
A single email, one of many leaked by hackers and reprinted in the Guardian last weekend, proves the point: "I've just completed Mike's Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."
"Mike's trick?" "Adding in?" "Hide the decline?" Such words warrant only the opprobrium of their author's peers. But no whistles were blown on this gravy train.Instead, these co-conspirators acted as warm-mongers, shouting "Fire" in the scientific theatre although they knew there was no blaze.
This is wonderful news, folks. Truly, it is!! As Madoff was to money, these cons are to climate. They've given sackcloth and ashes such a bad name no one will want to wear it.Because we now know all this hand- wringing, finger-pointing, cringing, wimpish, guilt-inducing "We're to blame and it's killing the planet" palaver, embraced as a new religion by countless control-freaks, wowsers and old, bewildered hippies is based on totally dodgy data.
It's bollocks!! The "facts" are a crock!! Whoopee!!! Send those pseuds a huge bunch of flowers and a note saying, "Thanks for letting us off the hook."
Because we are. You may not believe it yet - and certainly most journalists won't. "Where there's muck, there's money," definitely applies in their industry. It feeds on the apocalyptic.
And global warming was the KFC of disasters, a cataclysm so yummy no scribe could resist it.
Especially since the usual suspects; big business, Uncle Sam, globalisation, flash motor cars, fast food - all things most journalists instinctively dislike and wish to demonise - were allegedly the root of the evil.
So it will take the scribes some time to overcome their addiction. "It won't happen overnight," as Witi would have it, "but it will happen". And when it does, look out, for the wrath of the writers will be swift and savage. No one suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous reporting more intensely than a fallen angel.
Here's a toast to the hackers who exposed this scam. And another to the "scientists" who perpetrated it. Their dodgy "science" has proved one thing - global warming ain't our fault. They made it up. Now, would somebody tell Nick Smith?
8) Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat*
In a surprise, and shamelessly biased decision the Judge (that's me) decided to eclare two winners in this category.
The Voters have spoken and CJ of LGF was the category winner by virtue of an overwhelming majority of the popular vote. Bravo Charles! I judge a man by his friends too.
However, finishing a close second and in recognition of the contribution made to the success of these awards by Jennifer Lynch I feel it my rightful duty to declare The Canadian Human Rights Commission co-winner in the Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat category. Short may you reign.
CO2 is not a pollutant. Rather, CO2 is a naturally occurring gas. We, and all animals, exhale CO2. If you regulate it, you are literally regulating whether I can breathe or not. If that's not totalitarianism, I don't know what is. The Federal Government doesn't have the right to regulate what I exhale. Nope, not in the Constitution anyplace!
Furthermore, all this climate hysteria is a result of the likes of Micheal Mann and Phil Jones who have been exposed as frauds who did not follow the Scientific Method even remotely. They are also exposed as likely criminals in at least 2 countries by colluding to avoid/deny/delay Freedom of Information Requests in the USA and the UK. That is criminal and they cannot be trusted!
Read it all. This was NEVER about climate change, never about controlling/reducing global warming, never about saving the planet or it's population. You can KNOW this by noting that NOTHING proposed would ever have changed anything!Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal. In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms “a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people”.
"I wanted to do that, I have to admit," Emmerich told scifiwire.com. "But my co-writer Harald [Kloser] said I will not have a fatwa on my head because of a movie. And he was right.
"We have to all, in the western world, think about this. You can actually let Christian symbols fall apart, but if you would do this with [an] Arab symbol, you would have ... a fatwa, and that sounds a little bit like what the state of this world is.
"So it's just something which I kind of didn't [think] was [an] important element, anyway, in the film, so I kind of left it out."
As I'm walking up to it the gunshots start. Slow and methodical. But continuous. Two ambulatory wounded came out. Then two soldiers dragging a third who was covered in blood. Hearing the shots but not seeing the shooter, along with a couple other soldiers I stood in the street and yelled at everyone who came running that it was clear but to "RUN!". I kept motioning people fast.
About 6-10 minutes later (the shooting continuous), two cops ran up. one male, one female. we pointed in the direction of the shots. they headed that way (the medical SRP building was about 50 meters away). then a lot more gunfire. a couple minutes later a balding man in ACU's came around the building carrying a pistol and holding it tactically. He started shooting at us and we all dived back to the cars behind usThen the female cop comes around the corner. He shoots her. (according to the news accounts she got a round into him. I believe it, I just didn't see it. he didn't go down.) She goes down. He starts reloading... I see the male cop around the left corner of the building. (I'm about 15-20 meters from the shooter.) I yell at the cop, "He's reloading, he's reloading. Shoot him! Shoot him!) You have to understand, everything was quiet at this point. The cop appears to hear me and comes around the corner and shoots the shooter. He goes down. The cop kicks his weapon further away.I then went over the slaughter house. the medical SRP building. No human should ever have to see what that looked like. and I won't tell you. Just believe me. Please. there was nothing to be done thereI went back to the slaughterhouse. they weren't letting anyone in there. not even medics.I did see many a soldier rush out to help their fellows/sisters. there was one female soldier, I dont' know her name or rank but I would recognize her anywhere who was everywhere helping people. a couple people, mainly civilians, were hysterical, but only a couple. one civilian freaked out when I tried to comfort her when she saw my uniform. I guess she had seen the shooter up close. a lot of soldiers were rushing out to help even when we thought there was another gunman out there. this Army is not broken no matter what the pundits say. not the Army I saw.
The Best NFL PreGame Show ever is on your local FOX channel right now!
They are in Afghanistan with our soldiers!
They are each waering a uniform carefully chosen based on their own experiences or that of their family.
And our guys are loving it!
They are showing players (pre-recorded) talking about their brothers, wives, mothers, fathers, sons, and other family members who are serving or have served.
This is incredible. The players and the broadcasters are in awe of the soldiers and the soldiers are in awe of the players and broadcasters (who are former players).
The soldiers wanted to pay respects to the murdered and injured at Fort Hood with a moment of silence and Fox went to commercial about 3 seconds into it! Unbelievable!
Hundreds of Kabul University students led the latest protest, burning an effigy of US President Barack Obama.
"so-called Founders"??? "political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the document"??? The words of the current President of the Unitied States of America.
The Founding Fathers did indeed address economic freedom and the evils of the distribution of wealth. Perhaps the current president neglected to read the Federalist Papers.
Those of you who voted for this despicable, evil, anti-American and those of you who refused to vote against him, you are the worst kind of intellectual snobs. You got what you deserved. How generous of you to drag the rest of us down with you. You disgust me.
Honoring Dan Rather and CFnJ... so what if the current president didn't say it? We know he thinks it.
Police: Suspect Runs Over Daughter, Another Woman in Hit-and-Run
Faleh Hassan Almaleki reportedly threatened his daughter for becoming 'too Westernized.'By KFYI News
(KFYI) Peoria police are looking for a Glendale man who allegedly ran over his 20-year-old daughter and another woman in the Department of Economic Security parking lot Tuesday.
Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 48, was reportedly angry at his daughter, Noor Faleh Almaleki, for becoming 'too westernized' and not living according to their traditional Iraqi values.
Both women have been hospitalized. The daughter of the suspect had lifethreatening injuries.
The other victim, Amal Edan Khalaf, had less serious injuries. Khalaf is the mother of Almaleki's boyfriend.
Faleh Hassan Almaleki was last seen in a Grey or silver 2000 Jeep grand Cherokee, Arizona License ADS-9192
Anyone with information can call SILENT WITNESS or the Peoria Police Tip Line at 623.773.7045.