Also, we'd like to invite you to submit links to your blog. I'll then link your nic in The Book of the Banned to your blog!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Banned by LGF?
Also, we'd like to invite you to submit links to your blog. I'll then link your nic in The Book of the Banned to your blog!
Single Payer OUTLAWS Private Health Care
Never apologize for being American
JFK’S Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was in France in the early 60’s when Charles De Gaulle decided to pull out of NATO. De Gaulle said he wanted all US military out of France as soon as possible.Rusk responded “Does that include those who are buried here?”De Gaulle did not respond.
There was a conference in France where a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American. During a break, one of the French engineers came back into the room saying “Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he intended to do, bomb them?”
A Boeing engineer stood up and replied quietly: “Our carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to shore facilities; they have three cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a day, they can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and injured to and from their flight deck. We have eleven such ships; how many does France have?”
ABC and NBC refuse to air ad
Of course, for cable news the vast majority of Americans go to Fox News Channel so the informed already know about this. But, for those too frugal or too poor to afford cable or internet, they're stuck with these alphabet state controlled propaganda machines. I hope they have the good sense to turn on still free radio!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Police: You can't take THAT sign into the Townhall
Friday, August 28, 2009
John Shadegg townhall of August 27, 2009
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 14
Trent Franks townhall of August 25, 2009
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Summary of Phone Health Care Town Hall of AZ Congressman Harry Mitchell
It's a good summary with very little bias.1) He claims that the bill is “far from ready to be signed.” This I found odd. Why, then, are Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean running around claiming that the dang thing needs to be passed as soon as everybody gets back from their summer recess?
2) He was, in my opinion, kind of fuzzy on whether or not he supported a government option. He started to use the words “alternative option” and a red flag went up in my mind for doublespeak. Several people asked him about the government option. I didn’t end the call with hearing a clear enough answer from him on this issue. This concerns me.
3) He did say that he wouldn’t sign a bill that didn’t promote heath care insurance competition. Again, this seems in direct conflict with the desires of President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, et al. for a single-payer system. He also said that he wouldn’t sign a bill that increased the deficit. Given the current budget deficit, not sure how you do the latter and provide health care to an entire country.
4) He was not in favor of providing health care for illegal immigrants, although he wasn’t clear on how you stop illegal immigrants from using U.S. emergency rooms as their primary care physicians. This is a huge issue for those of us in Arizona.
5) He didn’t answer one woman’s question as to whether he would support government funded abortions through the health care bill.
6) Several times throughout the call, Harry stopped the questioning to take polls—e.g. “Are you happy with your current health care provider? Press 1 for yes; 2 for no.” I found this a bit hokey and would have rather he used the time to take an extra question or two.
Be Afraid; Be Very Afraid
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Video of John McCain TownHall
part 1 - pre event
part 2 - error on my part. duplicate of part 1 and no sound. go figure. ignore please
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
McCain Health Care Town Hall in Sun City
Monday, August 24, 2009
More Arizona Republican Memebers of Congress having Townhalls
But, my congressman, John Shadegg, is having two additional Health Care Town Halls:
Upcoming Health Care Town Halls in the Third Congressional District of Arizona
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (doors will open at 6:00pm)
Location: Thunderbird High School Auditorium
1750 W Thunderbird Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (doors will open at 6:30pm)
Location: Boulder Creek High School
40404 N. Gavilan Peak Pkwy
Anthem, AZ 85086
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tammy Duckworth LIED
I just watched Tammy Duckworth try her best to defend the VA "death book" on Fox News Sunday. The Iraq war veteran was severely wounded as an army aviator, losing both her legs, and is currently an Assistant Secretary at the VA. The administration sent her out to defend the book and to push back against Jim Towey, who first raised the issue. While she admirably held her own, her talking points were often very, very lame (she kept insinuating that Towey's bitter his $5 book isn't free of charge to vets). The upshot was she defended this irretrievably gross book on the merits and attacked the messenger to boot. And here's the thing, the death book is doomed, doomed. It's obvious Obama will pull the thing, because it's the right thing to do and because it's a political no-brainer while he's trying to shake off the "death panel" albatross. So they sent out Duckworth to stake a position that will be reversed, making her look like a fool. Just give it time.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Arthur Frommer verbally smacked on his own blog!
More Arizona Members of Congress having Townhalls
Trent Franks scroll down and click view
Aug 22: Mohave County
Time:1:00 - Congressman Franks will host a screening of "33 Minutes," a half hour film about America's missile defense in a new missile age.2:00 - Congressman Franks' opening remarks, question & answer session
Location: 1st Assembly of God Church1850 Gates AvenueKingman, AZ 86401(Just off Stockton Hill Road)
Aug 25: Maricopa County
Time: 5:00 - Congressman Franks will host a screening of "33 Minutes," a half hour film about America's missile defense in a new missile age.6:00 - Congressman Franks' opening remarks, town hall question & answer session
Location: Community Church of Joy21000 N. 75th AvenueGlendale, AZ 85308(Located just north of Loop 101 on the west side of 75th Avenue. Meeting will be help in the worship center, in the main sanctuary.)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Is AARP lying?

Good News! More wimps avoiding AZ!
I heard about this on the local radio news just moments ago. Full story here. And Frommers blog entry on the topic is here.
Well Mr. Frommer, we may only be the SouthWest, but we don't need you around anyhow.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
AZ Senator McCain public appearances
Friday, August 21, 2009, 11:45am
Superior High School - 100 Mary Drive Superior, AZ 85273 (520) 689-3112
The meeting will discuss the proposed SoutheastArizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act.
This event includes Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick and Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 2 events
11am Healthcare Townhall
Grace Bible Church 19280 N. 99th Ave
5:30-7:30pm Politics on the Rocks Networking Event
Intercontinental Montelucia Resort & Spa in Paradise Valley
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
5:30 Healthcare Townhall
North Phoenix Baptist Church
5757 N Central Ave
Arizonan jarring the statists

And, for those of you unfamiliar with the laws of the state of Arizona, no permits nor registration of ordinary weapons is required here. Open carry of any legal weapon is perfectly legal here. AZ is also a "shall issue" state of concealed carry permits. So, the hysterical with wimpy sensibilities and irrational fear of guns should just get over being "jarred" by the sight of a weapon in the hands of someone who is not law enforcement or military (they probably don't even know what posse comitatus means); they should also stop attempting to change the internal laws of the state of Arizona. And, to those who yearn to live free to carry weapons and defend themselves, move here to Arizona!
Format Change - but The Book of the Banned is permalinked
UPDATE: Currently there are 926 Insidious Bad Applies listed in The Book of the Banned! Keep sending those updates in. We're headed for 1000!
SRP begs for stimulus funds for "Smart Meters"
I don't want to be an alarmist on the topic of "smart" meters. I understand and support the move to a more efficient way to measure a customers use of electricty because, as a Capitalist, more efficient delivery of goods and services should bring prices down but since utilities are actually monopolies in their respective areas, it doesn't. I understand and wholeheartedly endorse the use of technology to make our electrical grid more secure against any and all threats although no one has yet invented a way of protecting us all from the ultimate threat of Electromagnetic Discharge in the unfortunate event of an airbust nuclear attack.
BUT, when I hear certain politicians (President Obama) talk about the concept that smart meters will ultimately (someday) be capable of regulating our electric usage, that concerns me. I don't want the USA to become a country where the government tells an individual that they only have a certain allotment of energy. If a person has the means to pay for something (legal) and is willing to do so, then leave them alone! Yes, even algore and his Tennessee mansion (which uses thousands of times the amount of energy of a typical Tennesse home - yes, he's a hypocrit for telling everyone else to use less but I don't think he's stiffing the power company).
And, since this is almost exclusively predicated upon reducing carbon in our atmosphere, even though it is NOT a pollutant, which in turn is based almost exclusively on the fear of global warming (in spite of the fact that the planet has NOT warmed in the last decade, and in spite of history showing that warm periods are better for humans and all living things), I can't get behind the effort.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Analysis of HR3200
PG 994 School Based Health Clinic will be integrated into the school environment.
PG 993 Govt will establish school based health clinics.
PG 844-845 OMG! This Home Visitation Prog. includes Govt coming in2 ur house & telling u how 2 parent
Pg 838-840 Govt will design & implem. Home Visitation Prog 4 families w young kids & families expect kids.
Pg 769 3-5 Nurse Home Visit Svcs – “increasing birth intervals btwn pregnancies.”
Pg 765 Sec 1711 Govt will require Preventative Services including vaccines.
Pg 735 lines 16-25 For law enforcement purposes, the Secretary-HHS will give Attorney General access to ALL data.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Get outta my state, ya Commie!
Phoenix Police have NO 1st Amendment Rights
Just one more Obama outrage.
A man carrying an AR-15 assault rifle attended the protests. Police at the scene said he did not need a permit for the gun and he was not arrested. They said the man was walking around and was not involved in any protest activity.
The man declined to give his name to The Arizona Republic.
``Because I can do it,'' he said when asked why he was armed.
``In Arizona, I still have some freedoms.
Phoenix police said the gun-toters at Monday's event, including the man carrying an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder, didn't need permits. No crimes were committed, and no one was arrested.
Not fooled by Obama's fake town hall meetings

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Summaries of the townhalls are done!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Cuts in medical care costs will inevitably fall on seniors and the chronically ill
Friday, August 14, 2009
Summaries added to the healthcare townall post
Monday, August 10, 2009
Video of Shadegg Healthcare Townhall
1 Before the Meeting. I see normal people
There were dozens and dozens and dozens of amendments added to HR3200. Republicans added maybe half a dozen small amendments that the Democrats accetpted.
He makes a very good point about The Improving Healthcare for all Americans Bill, which he wrote. Most of us get our health insurance through our employers. But, if you want to purchase health insurance outside the plan your employer offers, you get no tax deduction like your employer does when they buy if for you.
6 Q&A
Regarding the snitch email he says this is an outrage, it's probably illegal, and where is the ACLU. Everyone go home and write to the ACLU and ask why they didn't condemn this and why there isn't a criminal investigation.
Questions about John Podesta, SEIU, Federal Reserve (he signed on to a bill to require an audit.
Question from a young person (probably not old enough to drive) regarding what he would do to abolish other socialistic government run health care programs such as medicare and medicaid.
Great comments from a doctor at about 8 minutes in.
7 Q&A - problem here with the audio.
Senior city talked about how she worked and she earned the right to her pension package. She wanted to know what would happen to her and retired people and handicapped people (she made good points but i was sitting there wondering if she could possible speak any slower! The audience growns when she said that's my first question! and yes that's me saying "speed it up, good lord!" - kirls).
Every single plan in America will either go away or will, at a minimum have to meet all kinds of dictates and standards in this new bill. There is no assurance that any plan that you have will remain in effect.
Next question was about tort reform. That would be because there isn't any even though Republicans offered multiple amendments to put it in. The same person asked about preventing fraud in the tax credit provisions in the Republican proposals. The only way to get the tax credit would be that your insurance company would have to certify that you actually paid for insurance (this would be like a 1099 or some such form - kirls).
Next guy wants to know what is going to happen to medicare under HR3200 and the military Tricare.
Shadegg says that all the things that are most individuals are most interested in are in the first 50 pages and it is not hard to understand. He followed that up with some wonderful snark that if John Conyers, the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, can't understand it, he should get a new job!
(about 30 seconds of overlap here - kirls) Shadegg points out that NO member of Congress could have read the Cap & Trade Bill when it was voted on, they are a liar.
Medicare changes because they are doing away with Medicare Advantage.
VA is not protected under this bill, Tricare is allowed to remain in effect.
The next fellow is a disabled retired Veteran. He challenges us all to tell anyone who supports the single payer plan to spend a day with a Veteran at the VA! He also wants to know why he can't call the doctor and ask about specific prices of particular procedures.
Shadegg points out that the current system does not allow competition.
Shadegg talks about why we have to pay for private insurance with after tax dollars but our employers are allowed to use pre-tax dollars (ie, it's a tax deductible expense) which results in the business being incentivized to provide insurance. This takes the choice away from the individual. If your employer gives you the cash and you spend it on health care benefits it's not taxable to your employer and it's not taxable to you. This situation also causes employers to not care about cost control.
Next question was assuming this passes, if we take the white house back in 2012 how easy is this easy to rescind. And would a few Republicans please stand up to Nancy Peloso.
Shadegg said absent an uprising by the American people, this will pass. It's extremely difficult to repeal any government program once it's put in place.
As for Nancy Pelosi, her vision of America is stunningly to the left.
Next guy exhorted us to stay engaged in this! Shadegg said tell your friends, your barber, your hair dresser, your bank teller, your checker. You all are informed Americans who are respected by people who know you. If you tell them this bill is terrible or that we should have a patient driven plan or that your employer shoudn't pick your health care plan....
The electronic transfer of funds...
Shadegg says he’s doing everything he can. He will go anywhere at anytime to fight this. We can’t win this without you! What can you do? Reach out and pound on the Senate. Not a snowballs chance that either of our (AZ) senators will vote wrong on this bill. But there is a very good chance that some Republican Senators (like from Iowa) will vote for it. Write to them!
Ben Nelson Democrat from Nebraska – write to him! He doesn’t want to vote for this bill but the leftists are running ads attacking him. Write to him and other conservative democrats and encourage them to stand by their convictions!
Utah Republican might sign onto a compromise. Write to them too!
Next guy is State Representative John Cavanaugh. He lives in Harry Mitchells congressional district. His question … an attempt to prohibit the coverage of illegal immigrants under this bill was voted down. He said you think this room was crowded then wait until you see this country when the world figures out that we are giving away free health care.
Shadegg said proponents say it does not give free health care to illegals and will point to provisions which say you must be a US citizen and it replicates current law. BUT, there is no current mechanism by which citizenship is verified before care is provided. Those were the amendments which were defeated. Thus you need to point out that the provisions contained therein are unenforceable.This next woman I can barely hear on the vid although she was loud and clear in person. That guy in front of me with the red and blue hat turned out to be a nut who thought he was performing as a standup comedian (I don’t think I filmed him because I thought he was so incredibly stupid) – kirls)
Shadeggs staff got 50 emails in a single day for a townhall so they decided to hold one. (I can attest to this being true since I’m one of the people who called insisting he have one - Kirls)
Shadegg things that Kyl and McCain will fight this tooth and nail (frankly, I’m tired of calling and begging Kyls hired idiots to have a townhall! – kirls)
Next guy is a small business owner… protect and defend freedom from any threat military, economic, or political. He has achieved enough success that he has been able to provide insurance for all his employees. But the premiums go up every year. As an employer, he does get to shop the big companies.
Shadeggs bill says you can choose the plan offered by your employer or you can pick your own. It also creates “pools” of individuals. His bill allows the creation of more pooling mechanisms. Why is it only employers who can form a pool? Why can’t any organization be able to create a pool? Like the Daughters of American Revolution, or the University of Arizona Alumni association, or the Kiwanis, or ANY organization.
Benefit mandates come from CONGRESS and state government and they are the same entities which then scream about the cost of health care! It’s the government which says to the insurance industry that you cannot sell a scaled down plan which might be all that you can afford. So, it’s the government which has driven up
The cost of auto insurance, life insurance, home owners insurance, the cost of shirts (!) isn’t going up at 3x the rest of the economy. But the cost of health care insurance is, WHY!??! There is no competition! We should be able to buy insurance on the same tax advantage basis as employers.
Shadegg’s staffer brought a note to him… John McCain is having a townhall on August 25th. Location TBD.
(And here we have one of the only supporters of a public option. Note how Shadegg destroyed his arguments without being the least bit unpleasant even though the guys points were so simplistic, shallow, uninformed – kirls)
The guy says…. When I went to school, that was a public option. We have a public option police force, military, fire fighters, how come health care is that much more or less important than either of those things?
Shadegg said… public safety and national defense are the first obligation of the government (per the founding fathers). This country also has a tradition believing in universal education. But, if we need a public option to keep the health insurance/care industry honest then do we need one for fast food, the automobile industry (laughter), suits, shirts, etc? It is a slippery slope to say we need a public option. Do we need a public option for life insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance.
Old guy yelled at those are all voluntary.
Richard Gross, card holder of medicare, Korean Vet, wants to know what these plans will do to the cost of Medicare insurance? He’s quite happy with his medicare insurance and wants it left alone.
Shadegg says he doesn’t know the answer but they are going to change medicare at least by doing away with medicare advantage and you will get end of life counseling services.
Seller of health insurance and health savings accounts. He created his own solution and handed it to Congressman Shadegg. (That’s cool! Citizens inventing solutions. I love this guy! – Kirls) Not just Premiums should be deductible. Copays, co-insurance, deductibles, eye wear, doctor visits, dental, all these items should be tax deductible! (applause). He asks can these items be made deductible. Shadeggs answer, Not under THIS congress.
Child psychologist and mother of an autistic. Wants to talk about mental health parity and possible discriminatory practices that insurance companies may be doing against mental health providers and consumers.
Shadegg said mental health parity is debated in congress a lot. There may be a societal bias. People need to demand the right to decide if they can buy this type of coverage themselves!
Next comment about vaccinations… The H1N1 contains squaline which was contained in the anthrax vaccinations given to our Gulf War Veterans. Our Federal Government makes the pharmaceuticals or anyone who engages in the vaccination process unaccountabl; we cannot sue them.
Shadegg is aware of the issue and asked the lady to go to his staff in the back for more detailed discussions.
All of the Republican bills address embrace the concept of tort reform… because the vast majority of Republicans believe that the tort system is a big factor in the cost of medical care because doctor’s pay high malpractice premiums and they practice defensive medicine. Shadeggs bill was not written as a comprehensive bill including tort reform; it would be paired with a tort reform Bill. Shadeggs bill is focused on patient choice; putting you in the drivers seat behind your own health care.
Who wrote this atrocity?
I don’t know. Often on legislation, the chairmen of a committee will draft a bill then ask the ranking (minority, in this case Republican) member for input. In this case, Chairman Waxmen never, never, ever, EVER once, to my knowledge, invited Joe Barton (the ranking minority member) or Nathan Deal (ranking member of the health subcommittee) into the room or even gave them a copy to comment on or make any change to. There was NO bipartisanship.
But, do the congressmen actually write it?
I don’t know how much Mr. Waxman’s staff, or Miller’s staff, or Rangel’s staff wrote the bill. I do know that there is some evidence that lobbyists for the insurance industry wrote parts of the bill. 70% of health care in USA is governed by ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of ~ 1987). After it was written, the SCOTUS ruled that if you get your health care from your employer under an ERISA plan and that plan wrongfully denies you care you cannot sue the plan for damages. You can sue doctors for malpractice but not the plan even if it intentionally denies you care that you are entitled to. This is the law in America today and it is a moral outrage. Shadegg followed this up with a true story of this exact thing happening already thanks to United Health Care denying a pregnant woman hospitalization even though her doctor and the insurance company’s doctor both said that if she was not hospitalized she and her baby may very well die. The baby did die. Now, read page … Page 49 lines 19-22
Shadegg confronted Waxman about that point. Waxman turned as red as the red stripe on that flag. Last week Pelosi called the health insurance industry crooks, evil and that Pelosi was going to destroy them and that their day of ruling America is over in a bill where she cut, what Shadegg thinks, is a secret backroom deal to give them immunity when they kill or hurt somebody in insurance coverage denials.
Canadians. Walk on Washington September 12. Who should we contact/see about this issue? What happens when you’re 65? Doctor’s do not get paid as much if you’re 65 than if you’re 64.
They get paid less because it’s government provided health care and the government cheats the providers.
Hospice nurse is appalled at the plan. What else can we do? Speak out!
This comment about the FDA was a bit strange. Woman said that we should be able to take herbs and nutrition for prevention and cures instead of just popping pills. (duh! I can take all the herbs and good nutrition that I want). The FDA is a big government bureaucracy that abuses people.
(At this point they asked me to give up my turn to a woman with a severe disorder which I di, of course, without question). Woman has a rare disorder, problems since birth, formerly more functional, need one more surgery and would like to have the chance to have it and not have some board tell me I’m not worth saving (applause). My parents worked all their lives to save me. My dad worked two jobs. They didn’t get government help. He paid for it.
Shadegg said God Bless You! Retold her story and said I think everyone in this room believes she ought to have that surgery. This is why we need to reform health care. Every American believes this young lady should have that shot and we can do it but we can do it without creating a system which says that at a certain age in life you’re no longer worth caring for. Her concern was that at some point some government board would say to her keeping you alive or giving you greater functionality is not worth it to some board. (yes, that’s me you hear sniffling. Not a dry eye in the house! - Kirls)
Locally elected official said go to Questioned how this bill would affect state legtislators. This bill massively moves authority over health care from the state government to the federal government.
Thanks for coming today I really appreciate you educating me that you really are on the right side of this issue. I really appreciate that. My medical care, my health insurance, my doctors, my medication (what I do and don’t take), and my procedures (what I do and don’t have done) will never under any circumstance be the business of the federal government.
Shadegg said “There you go!” followed by applause.
Weird suggestion to write a bill that no one can use private money for medical care “to spite the democrats”.
Comment about getting the word out! The Republicans are not the party of NO but the party of KNOW. Mainstream media won’t cover what the Republicans are offering. It’s patient choice! You make your health care decisions. If you want your employers plan, take it. If you don’t, go buy your own but do so with the same tax advantaged basis.
Where is the RNC putting out these details about these Republican alternatives? The RNC has spoken out. You can help fill that gap. Shadegg promises to pressure Michael Steele but you go on his website and download the bill and give it to your friends.
Last comment was would you support a bill to automatically impeach anyone who votes for a bailout. Shadegg obviously had seen this fellow before. (Turns out he was a staunch libertarian and I heard him talking up Ron Paul as I left – Kirls)
Congress trying to buy TWELVE jets, not four. Rank Hypocrisy!
Wall Street Journal says it's EIGHT.

Sunday, August 09, 2009
AZ Congressman Shadegg Heatlhcare Townhall
I choose to be one of the last ones to speak since I was filming.
After the near-blind woman spoke, saying that her father worked two jobs to pay for her health care, I couldn't speak. Many in the audience, as was i, were moved to tears. I waited for someone else to speak. Then, when I had composed my self, I said...
"Thank you for coming today. I really appreciate you educating me that you really are on the right side of this issue. I appreciate that. I have one thing to say ...
My health care, my health insurance, my doctors, my medications, what i do and don't take, my procedures, that i do and don't have done, will never, under any circumstance be the business of the federal government."
Furthermore, he said to write to the RNC, the DNC, the news entities, pharmaceutical companies! Write to anyone and everyone who is supporting this outrage!
Update: Some screen caps...
The Bill (HR3200)

Some of the (Very few) signs that made it over from the protest at Congressman Mitchells office:

Change is More

Friday, August 07, 2009
Democrats unhappy with the Mob
By the way, my new mob name shall be Kirly the Crainky (Conservative Christian) Capitalist!
UPDATE: speaking of hypocrits...