Friday, September 18, 2009
One Man's 911 Experience
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Honor Vietnam Veterans in Phoenix
Community Invited to Pay Respects to America's War Veterans
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Phoenix 9-12 Tea Party

Friday, September 11, 2009
Betraying Our Dead
Forgetting the vows we made
Eight years ago today, our homeland was attacked by fanatical Muslims inspired by Saudi Arabian bigotry. Three thousand American citizens and residents died.
We resolved that we, the People, would never forget. Then we forgot.
We've learned nothing.
Instead of cracking down on Islamist extremism, we've excused it.
Instead of killing terrorists, we free them.
Instead of relentlessly hunting Islamist madmen, we seek to appease them
Instead of acknowledging that radical Islam is the problem, we elected a president who blames America, whose idea of freedom is the right for women to suffer in silence behind a veil -- and who counts among his mentors and friends those who damn our country or believe that our own government staged the tragedy of September 11, 2001.
Instead of insisting that freedom will not be infringed by terrorist threats, we censor works that might offend mass murderers. Radical Muslims around the world can indulge in viral lies about us, but we dare not even publish cartoons mocking them.
Instead of protecting law-abiding Americans, we reject profiling to avoid offending terrorists. So we confiscate granny's shampoo at the airport because the half-empty container could hold 3.5 ounces of liquid.
Instead of insisting that Islamist hatred and religious apartheid have no place in our country, we permit the Saudis to continue funding mosques and madrassahs where hating Jews and Christians is preached as essential to Islam.
Instead of confronting Saudi hate-mongers, our president bows down to the Saudi king.
Instead of recognizing the Saudi-sponsored Wahhabi cult as the core of the problem, our president blames Israel.
Instead of asking why Middle Eastern civilization has failed so abjectly, our president suggests that we're the failures.
Instead of taking every effective measure to cull information from terrorists, the current administration threatens CIA agents with prosecution for keeping us safe.
Instead of proudly and promptly rebuilding on the site of the Twin Towers, we've committed ourselves to the hopeless, useless task of rebuilding Afghanistan. (Perhaps we should have built a mosque at Ground Zero -- the Saudis would've funded it.)
Instead of taking a firm stand against Islamist fanaticism, we've made a cult of negotiations -- as our enemies pursue nuclear weapons; sponsor terrorism; torture, imprison, rape and murder their own citizens -- and laugh at us.
Instead of insisting that Islam must become a religion of responsibility, our leaders in both parties continue to bleat that "Islam's a religion of peace," ignoring the curious absence of Baptist suicide bombers.
Instead of requiring new immigrants to integrate into our society and conform to its public values, we encourage and subsidize anti-American, woman-hating, freedom-denying bigotry in the name of toleration.
Instead of pursuing our enemies to the ends of the earth, we help them sue us.
We've dishonored our dead and whitewashed our enemies. A distinctly unholy alliance between fanatical Islamists abroad and a politically correct "elite" in the US has reduced 9/11 to the status of a non-event, a day for politicians to preen about how little they've done.
We've forgotten the shock and the patriotic fury Americans felt on that bright September morning eight years ago. We've forgotten our identification with fellow citizens leaping from doomed skyscrapers. We've forgotten the courage of airline passengers who would not surrender to terror.
We've forgotten the men and women who burned to death or suffocated in the Pentagon. We've forgotten our promises, our vows, our commitments.
We've forgotten what we owe our dead and what we owe our children. We've even forgotten who attacked us.
We have betrayed the memory of our dead. In doing so, we betrayed ourselves and our country. Our troops continue to fight -- when they're allowed to do so -- but our politicians have surrendered.
Are we willing to let the terrorists win?
Ralph Peters' new thriller, "The War After Armageddon," goes on sale next Tuesday
Monday, September 07, 2009
6 of top 10 CO2 producing countries are Arab &Moslem
Top 10 countries (tons of CO2 per capita):
Qatar 49.26
Kuwait 34.22
United-Arab-Emirates 32.94
Bahrain 28.62
Luxembourg 23.89
USA 18.95
Australia 17.93
Canada 16.65
Oman 16.03
Saudi-Arabia 16.03
American School Districts like Castro's Cuba
I worked with the brother for years. Occasionally, you could get him to talk about life in Cuba (remember, he was there until he was 12 so his memories aren't vague). One story in particular I am reminded of today - as a student, when the President was having one of his parades you were required to stand out there along the parade route and act as if you adored him. In fact, if you refused not only would you, the child, be punished, but your family would be too. Your father might loose his job or he might simply vanish leaving the family to wonder if they'd ever see him again and leaving the family to fend for themselves for food and housing and the other necessities of life.
There are school districts across the country today who are requiring that your children listen to the presidents speech tomorrow. I ask, or else what?
Tempe, AZ Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Arther W. Tate, Jr.: "I am not permitting parents to opt out students from viewing the President’s message"
Broward County Superintendent James F. Notter: "providing for a separation from this Address does not align with our practices and responsibility "
I'm quite certain these two cases are not isolated. If you know of more, feel free to leave a link in the comments section.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Come and Take it
UAW - commies in our midst
Now we are left contemplating what to do about this. If you need a new vehicle and wish to buy American, your only choice is Ford unless you're willing to purchase a Government Motors (GM) vehicle.. At least Ford didn't take bail out money (this last time). But, every Ford employee is forced to become a member of the UAW so purchasing a Ford is, in essence, supporting the communist leadership of the UAW.
You could purchase a Honda or Toyota or a vehicle made by a number of other foreign owned manufacturers. While this would be supporting Americans who build those vehicles, it would also be sending a portion of the profits overseas.
I'm not sure of the new ownership of Saturn but that might be a possibility since the manufacturing facilities are in right-to-work states.
Perhaps the only to do in this case is calculate how much of a purchase would go to the UAW and contrast it with how much goes to the manufacturer, the suppliers, the dealership and other local businesses which exist as a result of the dealership employees.
American Citizens know their Constitution
Case in point:
Get ACTIVE people. You are a better defender of your rights, the Consitution, and the rule of law than a majority of the elected officials of this country.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Van Jones - environmentalists poisoning minorities
Obama Advisor Van Jones: Republicans are "Assholes"
Insidious Bad Apple Blog Carnival
◼ Obama About to Get His Hands Dirty in Crafting Healthcare Plan yidwithlid
◼ Obama’s 1983 Nuclear Freeze Magazine Article littlegreenfootballs2 What a find! In 1983 at the height of renewed tensions between The Soviets and NATO due to Reagan deploying the Pershing Missiles, Barack Hussein Obama wrote a magazine piece. in it he repeated Soviet propaganda and even Compares “American Militarism” to Nazism!
◼ Warmists Advocate Manmade Volcanoes stoptheaclu
◼ When Health Care Becomes The State stoptheaclu
◼ Ramadan in the White House kirls
◼ It's Confirmed: Al Qaeda Is In Russia's North Caucasus Region...Algerian Killed By Russian Security holgerawakens
◼ -11 mackers-world
◼ H1N1 Is Back, and Scarier than Ever Pyro's Place
◼ Obama's War on the CIA sharksshakes
◼ Are You There God? It’s Me Afrocity: Being A Pro-Choice Republican Without Illusions afrocity
◼ Obama Incites Rosh Hashanah riots in Shuls Pond erings
◼ David William Hedrick, silent no more coordillum
◼ Katrina Anna's Clue Tank
◼ Treasonous Bastard! vinnysrants
◼ Yiddish With George and Laura Bush
For the record, while there is a "pro-choice" opinion included, I never will support any abortion for any reason (and yes, I know what I just said). I considered excluding that link and decided against it since, unlike the owner of the blog who bannishes those who express a nonconforming opinion (and says "get your own blog" only to stalk and mock those of us who did just that), we support free speech.