And now for something completely different. It's been a long time since I posted anything here. The world is going to hell and 2016 looks like it'll be full of more of the same. I needed a break so I've enjoyed two solid weeks off work just enjoying what good surrounds me and working around the house. It's been far too short.
For Christmas decor this year, I made some things but I was also in a position to use some of my adopted Mothers decorations from many years ago.
And then I remembered I had this. It was made many years ago by my Aunt who adopted me. It needed some repairs.
And the lights needed replacing.
Since the bug to create had bitten me, I put my plan in place to build a silk arrangement in my Aunts old heart shaped aluminum roaster.
I had to glue the lid in place but nothing will be damaged so I hope it holds!
Still looking for silk Hydrangeas of the correct color though.
And now to clear out the craft room so I can resume making my own Christmas cards by next year. Hopefully, I can stay healthy and get that done quickly.